Clock mesh and Clock tree-type distribution system
Clock mesh technology provides uniform, low-skew clock distribution and offers better tolerance to on-chip variations (OCV) than conventional clock trees.
What is a Clock mesh distribution system?
Clock mesh distribution systems are
- There are additional design stages.
- Power loss is considerable.
- Implementation complexity
- The multi-driven net is connected to the mesh network via mesh drivers.
- The clock skew and clock insertion delay is greatly reduced.
- To create clock meshes, more routing resources are needed.
- The arrival time difference from several mesh drivers is rounded off by the presence of a mesh net.
What is the Clock tree distribution system?
Clock tree distribution systems are
- Low power is dissipated.
- There is no need for a mesh net.
- The best design phases span a number of phases.
- It works best with circuit designs with slow clocks.
- A clock source, clock tree cells, clock gating cells, buffers, and load are all components of the clock tree.