Difference between ram and rom
RAM stands for “Random Access Memory.” While ROM means Read Only Memory,
An essential element of a computer, memory is in charge of temporarily or permanently storing data and information. There are two main categories into which memory can be divided:
- Primary Memory
- Secondary Memory

- RAM means Random Access Memory While ROM means Read Only Memory.
- RAM is expensive, while ROM is cheap.
- RAM speed is quite high, while ROM speed is slower than RAM.
- ROM data is read-only, while RAM data can be read, erased, or modified.
- RAM memory is large and high capacity, while ROM is generally small and of low capacity.
- ROM is used to store data that is needed to bootstrap the computer., while RAM is used to store data that the CPU needs for current instruction processing.
- ROM data is permanent. Data remains even after the power supply is not present, while in RAM data is volatile. Data is present till the power supply is present after the power supply data is removed.