Core Java Interview Questions with Answers (2024)
- What is Bytecode in Java?
- What is a JIT compiler?
- What is Bytecode in Java?
- Bubble Sort Program in Java
- Coding Guidelines in Java
- What are Identifiers in Java?
- What is a class in Java?
- The Concept of Null in Java
- What is Package in Java?
- Public Modifiers in Java
- Unicode System in Java
- Java Coding Standards
- Difference between Java Servlet and CGI
- What are the different types of Java Tools & Java Networking
- Servlet JSP Interview Questions for Java
- Advantages of Exception Handling in Java
- Can we have try block without catch block?
- What are Thread Local Variables?
- Features of the inner member classes in Java
- What is a collection in Java?
- What is Inheritance?
- What are Thread Groups Java?
- Explain the importance of finally block in java?
- Explain Features of Interfaces in Java
- Different types of wrapper classes in Java
- What is Thread in Java?
- What are checked Exceptions in Java?
- What are unchecked exceptions in java?
- What is Vector Java?
- Difference between Process and Thread?
- Differences between checked and Unchecked exceptions in Java
- What is default Exception handling in Java?
- Explain Throw keyword in Java
- What are user Defined Exceptions in Java?
- How many Classes can be placed in one file in Java?
- Difference between overriding and overloading in Java?
- Differentiate Between Character and String Constant Java
- The different types of Java libraries & Java frameworks
- What are the type of Classes and Interfaces in Java?
- What are the different types of Java control statements?
- What happens if the main method is not declared static in Java?
- Features of JavaScript
- What are the different components of the Java platform?
- What are the benefits of using Java?
- Can the main method be declared private or protected in Java?
- Why is the main method static in Java?
- Is the void return type mandatory for the main method in Java?
- Why is Java case-sensitive?
- What are static blocks and static initializers in Java?
- Difference between Abstract Class and Interface in Java?
- What is Method Overloading in Java?
- Why Java is Platform Independent?
- What are Access Modifiers in Java?
- Difference between this() and super() in Java?
- What is method overriding in Java?
- What is a super keyword in Java?
- Difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java?