Difference between DRV(Design Rule Violations) and DRC(Design rule check):
DRV(Design Rule Violations) and DRC(Design rule check) are the terms used to judge the quality of the chip that can be fabricated.
DRC(Design rule check):
The main DRCs include shorts, opens, spacing between metals, n and p wells, same and different nets, min length, area, and enclosure, etc.
DRV(Design Rule Violations):
The DRV holds a higher priority to DRC at any given stage of the physical design flow. DRV is basically the set of factors based on which the design is characterized. The main DRV are max_transition, max_capacitance, and max_fanout.
Violation of any of the above drc dimensions, if it is found to be less than the above-mentioned DRC values then it is called Design Rule Violation.