pn junction Diode
A P-N junction is like a border between two different types of materials inside a semiconductor. These materials are called p-type and n-type.
To create a P-N junction in a semiconductor, we use a process called doping. On one side of the semiconductor, called the p-side or positive side, there are extra holes. On the other side, called the n-side or negative side, there are extra electrons. Doping is explained in more detail in the next part.
Application of pn junction Diode are following
In computer digital logic circuits, diodes are utilized as switches.
It is used as a switch in digital logic designs.
It is used in detector and demodulator circuits.
It is used in clamping circuits in TV receivers as well as voltage multipliers.
It is used as a rectifier in DC power supply manufacturing.
When using optical communications, laser diodes are employed.
Digital displays use Light light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
V I Characteristics of P-N Junction Diode