Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) stands for the term used in the computer chip design industry. It is one of the most popular technologies widely utilized today to create integrated circuits in various applications. This technology offers several key advantages, making it prevalent in today’s computer memories, CPUs, and cell phones.
Disadvantages of CMOS Logic Gates
- Efforts are underway to address the increased cost due to additional processing steps.
- The packing density, initially lower than NMOS technology, can now achieve comparable or even higher density than NMOS gates with the use of a Pass-Transistor logic structure.
- To prevent chip destruction, MOS chips must be protected from static charges by keeping the leads short. However, this problem has been mitigated with the implementation of built-in protective devices or circuits.
- The CMOS logic family exhibits a slower speed of operation compared to the TTL logic family, with a propagation delay time of around 50ns for CMOS and only 4 to 12 ns for TTL.