Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is a digital logic design in which bipolar transistors act on direct-current pulses. Many TTL logic gates are typically fabricated onto a single integrated circuit (IC).
What are CMOS chips?
A complimentary Metal-oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) chip is battery-powered and stores the hard drive’s configuration and other information. In a microcomputer and a microcontroller, CMOS chips normally provide real-time clock (RTC) and CMOS memory.
Difference between the TTL chips and CMOS chips
TTL Chips
CMOS Chips
TTL chips can consist of a substantial number of parts like resistors#
TTL chips can be used in computers
TTL chips use two Bi-polar Junction Transistors in the design of each logic gate
TTLS chip consumes a lot more power, especially at rest. A single gate in TTL chip consumes about mW of power
CMOS is also an integrated chip but used field effect transistors in the design