FinFET Technology
Nowadays, FinFET technology is being adopted in a variety of forms by IC manufacturers who need to increase the density of their ICs without using such small feature sizes that the device performance falls. As a result, FinFET transistor technology has enabled the development of IC technology and it has a great PPA performance.

FinFET advantages and disadvantages
FinFET advantages
FinFETs have several key advantages that make them ideal for use in applications.
- Better channel control
- No DIBL effect
- Suppression of short-channel effects
- Faster switching speed
- Higher drain current
- Less Second order effect
- Lower switching voltage
- Lower power consumption
FinFET disadvantages
- Difficult to control voltage threshold
- No Body bias effect
- A three-dimensional profile leads to higher parasitic
- Very high capacitances
- High fabrication cost